Artlux NFT Real Estate
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Artlux makes it possible to simulate traditional real estate into its virtual space [NFT marketplace and Metaverse]. While the Artlux metaverse remains a prospect, the LAND and ESTATE contracts will be made available via Artlux’s unique NFT marketplace for LANDS and ESTATES.
Just as users buy and sell properties (landed or utility properties) they can do the same virtually on Artlux. Users can buy land or utility properties such as a mall or auditorium designed on Artlux for a much lesser price, and sell at a higher price on Artlux real estate marketplace.
The Artlux Token (ATX) will be at the pivot ensuring smooth smart contract calls on every real estate transaction on the Artlux marketplace or Metaverse. All assets are transferred directly to your DeFi wallet.
Tokenization made NFT real estate possible. Tokenization is the digitization of real-world items on the blockchain. For instance, you could simulate a real item into a digital piece and allocate an equivalent value as the real item to the digital item.
NFT real estate is a paradigm shift of traditional real estate which makes the industry better and more efficient than it was before. Some essential changes and innovations brought on by NFT real estate include
Liquidity of real estate: Traditional real estate faced with illiquidity can be made liquid through NFT real estate. This implies that NFT real estate makes it easier to buy and sell real estate properties. Any interested prospect can connect to the internet and purchase or sell real estate properties using a marketplace and utility token; for Artlux, it is the $ATX token.
Security and transparency. Blockchain provides added security and transparency to the real estate process. In contrast, traditional real estate procedures are paperwork written and printed that are prone to forgeries and loss or theft. With only your private key or password you can retain rights to your NFT real estate property at any time, any day.
Fractional ownership. Fractional ownership is an age-long practice in the real estate industry. It means breaking down ownership of a property into churns of value such that any party can have a stake in the property. However, as easy as it sounds, fractional ownership in traditional real estate is only better on paper than in actual life. NFT real estate eases the process through smart contracts.
Speed and efficiency. The entire real estate process is simplified and sped up in NFT real estate through smart contracts; this is different from the traditional real estate where there is so much paperwork and procedure. All you need is an internet connection, a funded crypto wallet, and the right platform to buy or sell your NFT real estate property, in this case, Artlux NFT marketplace. The process, from start to finish is done at your convenience and discretion.
It doesn’t end at the benefits of NFT real estate, there are use cases too. Artlux provides an exclusive experience to users. Below you find some of the use cases present on Artlux NFT real estate:
Community development. Community spices NFT real estate. Community precedes socialization and communication at all levels. Artlux NFT real estate provides the framework needed to build exciting communities within its platform. Users can build infrastructures such as cinemas, malls, or supermarkets within the Metaverse; these are socialization venues.
DeFi Games. Play-to-earn game services are not left. Just as people set up “game centers'' in real life, the same can be simulated on Artlux NFT real estate. Game developers are given the resources such as APIs and tokens to spice up their gaming interfaces and user experiences on Artlux and earn from their crafts.
Labor. There has been a major shift in the traditional labor market. Remote work and artificial intelligence (AI) are taking over the traditional labor market. Laborers are gradually accepting augmented/virtual reality (AVR) workspaces and artificial intelligence services to ease productivity. Artlux uses the latest framework to provide exciting AVR and AI services to spice remote work for users.
Advert and promotions. Artlux allows institutions to establish their presence in its NFT real estate platform. Top institutions that depend on adverts and promotion can do so on Artlux faster and cost-effectively. These institutions can buy spaces to place their ads just as we traditionally have billboards and banners.